Last Mile Robots – The New Cute Norm

Based on data from ABI Research, it is estimated that worldwide robotic last mile delivery revenues will end up surpassing $70 million this year. But that value pales in comparison to the growth expected in the market. Tiny sidewalk $670 million market by 2030, which would equate to deliveries valuing upwards of $3.3 billion worth of goods.
“As inflation and vehicle costs rise exponentially, these businesses are struggling to raise prices on wary consumers and businesses, while needing to protect margins. Key initiatives include reducing labor, vehicle maintenance costs and fuel requirements while scaling to meet demand and customer expectations.”
Adhish Luitel, Senior Analyst of Supply Chain Management and Logistics at ABI Research
Robot Programs are Growing at an Alarming Rate
Up until recently, the last-mile robot markets have been limited. Last-mile robots are already being tested on college campuses and other areas that are controlled. One of the biggest challenges facing last-mile robots are all of the uncontrollable factors that exist in city environments. Though one company, Nuro, is already making deliveries in city environments. Nuro is an autonomous vehicle maker that is focused on the transporting of goods and products rather than human passengers. Nuro has already been involved with autonomous deliveries as a result of its partnership with Kroger. Nuro plans to eventual scale its services nationwide. Kiwibot is another such company that is involved in robotic delivery. Through their contract with Sodexo, their robots are utilized for food delivery pilots at various universities in Washington, California, and New Mexico. Their target for the coming year is to expand to more than 50 college campuses by the end of this year. ABI noted that as more programs continue to launch, the profitability of utilizing robotic delivery will become more and more clear.
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